The goal of our research:
We want to analyse whether venture success in the form of an IPO is linked to a distinct personality composition of co-founders.
Empirical analysis based on a large secondary dataset on ventures between 1959 and 2015. Integration of an API to determine the personality of founders based on free-flowing text.
Indicative results:
We are currently in the process of completing the analysis of the relationship between the personality mix of the co-founders and the IPO likelihood. Our results on the individual founder level applying our method, confirm some of the previous findings, i.e., an above-average score on “Extraversion” (Median = 59.4, 25%-Quartile: 52.5, 75%-Quartile: 66.7 compared to 50 neutral value) and a low score on “Neuroticism” (Median = 37.2, 25%-Quartile: 30.3, 75%-Quartile: 43.8). For “Openness to experience” and “Conscientiousness” we obtain values around the neutral level of 50. We receive a slightly higher value for “Agreeableness” (Median = 54.4, 25%-Quartile: 47.2, 75%-Quartile: 60.0) compared to research based on primary data.
Research group:
Riccarda Joas, Felix Kuhn, Prof. Theresa Treffers, Prof. Isabell Welpe
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