“The introduction of ML and AI has been a huge game-changer for HR tech in recruiting, retention and performance management.” (Metinko, 2021)
🤖 Video interviews conducted by bots: leveraging AI robots, companies identified such as HireVue, offers conducting video interviews with candidates.
⏱️ flexible time and location - interviews can be scheduled without constraints
❓questions are pre-determined by HR teams and hiring managers - ensuring consistency across all candidates
💻responses are analyzed by AI algorithms in the background - not only choice of words, but also patterns in the language, gestures, mimics, and body language are recorded through the video interviews
Automated reference checks: one of the last steps in recruitment life cycle can be turned into valuable insights when automated:
instead of recruiters reading through a set of questions in (potentially) a phone call or filling out un-specific referral letters:
✨ personalized links for each referral: filling out pre-selected questions regarding the candidate
📈 the completion rate of a reference check is around 82% compared to traditional phone reference checks 30%. (You Can Automate Candidate Reference Checks, but Should You? , n.d.)
🔎smart insights for employers by automatically analyzing the responses & creating dashboards
➡️ Traditional processes of HR and recruitment are addressed by automation. You can find more articles regarding human resources automation under Interesting articles
HireVue Video Interview Software. (n.d.). Hirevue.Com. Retrieved March 5, 2022, from https://www.hirevue.com/platform/online-video-interviewing-software
Metinko, C. (2021, July 19). HR Tech Funding Explodes As Companies Grapple With Transforming Workforce. Crunchbase News. https://news.crunchbase.com/news/hr-tech-funding-explodes-as-companies-grapple-with-transforming-workforce/
You can automate candidate reference checks, but should you? (n.d.). HR Dive. Retrieved February 24, 2022, from https://www.hrdive.com/news/you-can-automate-candidate-reference-checks-but-should-you/449013/